Denton Outreach Office

4845 S I-35 E, Suite 200 Corinth, TX 76210

24 Hour Crisis Hotline for Survivors of Sexual Violence and/or Domestic Violence




What is Domestic Violence?

Denton County Friends of the Family defines Domestic Violence as “An intentional pattern of behavior one person uses to gain or maintain power and control over another person with whom they are currently or were previously in a relationship. Other/related terms:  Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Family Violence, Dating Violence

Who are Victims of Domestic Violence?

The simple answer? Anyone can be a victim of domestic violence. It affects all races and ethnicities and crosses all sexes and genders. Domestic Violence cases do not always look the same. Women of color are impacted at higher rates than their white counterparts.

What are the Warning Signs? (Not an exhaustive list)

  • Quick involvement (wanting to move in together, saying “I love you” early on
  • Isolation from family and friends
  • Verbal abuse (name calling, yelling, cursing)
  • Threatens violence
  • Threatens suicide
  • Uses force during an argument
  • Believes in rigid sex/gender roles
  • Cruel to animals or children
  • Constantly checks in on partner via text, social media, calling, e-mailing, driving by or dropping in
  • Financial Control – by either setting an allowance, interfering with work, creating debt in their partner’s name
  • Tampers with birth control 
  • Damages personal belongings or vehicles

How to Recognize Abuse (Not an exhaustive list)

  • Personality changes – was once outgoing, now may be depressed, defensive, irritable
  • They become withdrawn, suddenly fearful, or secretive
  • Unexplained illnesses, stomach aches or headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Starts missing work or school, grades or work productivity drop
  • There are physical signs – bruises, sores, burns, cuts, black eyes – excuses are made for the cause of these injuries that seem implausible or out of character
  • They stop seeing friends or family or cut conversations short when their partner is present
  • Their partner criticizes or humiliates them in front of others
  • Victim is 100% economically dependent on their abuser
  • Fearful that their life is in danger and fear that their partner will find them if they leave

What Can YOU Do?

  • Start by Believing – when someone confides in you, believe them
  • Ask the RIGHT questions, one on one, 
    • “Are you afraid of anyone?”
    • “Has anyone tried to hurt you recently?”
    • “Have you been forced to do things you do not want to do, sexually or otherwise?”
  • Keep their confidence – and share our crisis number, let them know of resources

In a crisis? Please call or text our 24 Hour Crisis Line 940-382-7273 In an emergency, please call 9-1-1

Denton County Friends of the Family